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All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do. ” —Norman Vincent Peale

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, having a clear vision and goals is more important than ever. Without them, we can quickly become lost and end up going nowhere.


A clear vision gives us a destination to aim for, while goals give us something to work towards. They help us stay focused and

motivated, even when things get tough.


Setting goals is a critical part of any successful endeavour, yet many people don’t know how to set goals that will help them achieve their desired results. Without clear goals and planning, motivation and action are not enough. Also, simply having an idea of what we want to achieve and setting any goals will not guarantee success.

What are SMART Goals?

To achieve success, your goals must be SMART acronym (Doran, 1981):

  • Specific,
  • Measurable,
  • Achievable,
  • Relevant, and
  • Time-Bound.

Setting goals with these characteristics gives you a more effective way to measure your progress and ensure that your goals are achieved.


Let’s take a closer look at each of these characteristics: 

1. S - Specific

First, your goal should be specific. This means that you know exactly what you want to achieve. Connect to your vision and link it to your goals. 

A specific goal is clearly defined and easy to understand. If a goal is too vague or general, it is less likely to be achieved than a specific goal.

When setting a specific goal, you should ask yourself who, what, when, where and why. Answering these questions will help you create a specific goal.


  • What do I want to achieve? 
  • How will I know when I have achieved it? 
  • What steps do I need to take to achieve it? 
  • What is the reason for this goal?

For example, instead of saying “I want to lose 10 kilograms”, a more specific goal would be “I will lose 10 kilograms in the next 6 months”.

2. M – Measurable

Second, your goal should be measurable. It allows you to track your progress and see whether or not you are achieving your goal and when success is attained. This also makes it easier to identify any areas where you may need to make changes or adjustments. The goal measurements can include:

  • A deadline,
  • A certain number of repetitions,
  • A quantity,
  • A certain level of quality,


Some questions that you might ask yourself:

  • How many times will I do it?
  • How do I know when I achieved my goal?
  • How do I measure my progress and if I am on track?

3. A - Achievable

“You have to set goals that are almost out of reach. If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought, you are stuck with something below your true talent and potential.” —Steve Garvey

To receive a meaningful reward, some people set their goals too high that is impossible to achieve, while others don’t put any challenge and set goals too easy. How can you tell if your goal is achievable and what is the right balance?

Setting SMART goals aims for an outcome that will challenge and motivate you but not to the point where you misguide yourself. So, it is essential, to be honest, and realistic to yourself so that you set yourself up for success and build on it and not be discouraged.


To ensure you are on the right track, you should ask yourself:

  • “Is this goal challenging me enough and at the same time achievable for me?”
  • “Do I have all the necessary resources to achieve my goal?”
  • “Do I understand exactly how to achieve my goal?“
  • “Is this goal agreed (and aligned) but all the participants?”


To achieve anything, we must put the action. To achieve your goal, you need to break down necessary actions into small ones and then review if this is achievable. If the goal is achievable, set yourself up for success by taking small steps and building on your initial successes.

4. R - Relevant

An effective goal should be realistic and relevant to one setting the goal and aligned with a vision (or strategy) . Otherwise, a goal could be achieved, but without purpose or benefits.


Setting and achieving goals is crucial to success in any walk of life. However, not all goals are created equal; the most important are those relevant to your vision and success.


For example, if your goal is to complete the marathon in the next 4 months, then a relevant goal might be to increase the length of your weekly training by 50%. By focusing on goals relevant to your vision, you can better allocate your resources and ensure that you’re making progress towards your ultimate goal.


To make sure your goals are relevant to your vision, ask yourself:

 “How this goal aligns with my vision (and values)?”


5. T - Time-Bond

Time-bonded goals are those that are linked to a specific timeframe. For example, rather than setting a goal to “lose weight,” a time-bond goal would be to “lose 5 kilograms in 3 months.”



There are several benefits of time-bonded goals:

  1. They force you to be specific about what you want to achieve.
  2. They help you measure your progress along the way.
  3. They keep you motivated and focused on your goal until you reach it.
  4. They help you be accountable. 

Knowing how much time you have to achieve your goal makes you more likely to do the work needed to make it happen.



You can ask yourself the following questions while writing your goals:

  • “What is the deadline for my goal?”
  • “When I want/need to achieve my goal?”
  • “When I need to start actions related to my goal?”

SMART Goals - Examples

Example 1:

Not SMART (weak) goal example: “I am going to get fit and healthy. ”


SMART Goal Example:

S – Specific: “I will start walking every week to lose weight.”

M – Measurable: “I will walk three times weekly for 30 min and record progress in my weekly plan sheet.

A – Achievable: “I checked with the doctor, and he told me that I was ok to start walking. I have good runners and clothing.”

R – Relevant: “I want to be more fit and healthy and have a lot of energy to support my family and play with my kids.”

T – Time-Bond: “I will start walking tomorrow and stick to the plan for the next 12 weeks.”


SMART Goal Summary:

“I will start my 12-week walking plan tomorrow. I will walk on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for 30 min each day.”


Example 2:

Not SMART (weak) goal example: “I will try to be more supportive to my kids and the family.”


SMART Goal Example:

S – Specific: “I will start going to bed earlier.”

M – Measurable: “I will go to bed each night at 11:00 pm and measure my progress on the working sheet.”

A – Achievable: “I will ask my partner to help me with dishes and to prepare the lunch for the next day.”

R – Relevant: “I want to be more energetic and supportive to my family.”

T – Time-Bond: “I will start going to bed at 11:00 pm from tomorrow.”


SMART Goal Summary: “I will start going to bed at the latest at 11:00 pm from tomorrow.”



In conclusion, remember that when setting your goals, make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Following these guidelines will help increase the likelihood of achieving your goals.


So get started today by brainstorming some SMART goals for yourself!


If you need help creating your goals, Health and Wellness coaching can help you.  We can work with you to create attainable goals and help you to stick to them. This will lead to a healthier and happier life.

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