Wellness Coaching and Healing

Wellness Goals

This Health and Wellness coaching package is suitable for people that require medium support to achieve some short-term goals. It is also ideal for people that cannot commit to more frequent follow-up sessions. It requires a short commitment and can easily fit into a busy lifestyle.


For the best results, it is recommended to have all coaching sessions within 3 months.  There is an option for subscribing to the ongoing 3-monthly coaching.

Some areas that we support are:


There is an option for ongoing 3-monthly coaching.


Coaching sessions are run via Zoom or phone (Viber, Signal, WhatsApp) call. Please let us know if you prefer any other software. Please let us know if you prefer any other software.

We look forward to speaking with you soon! Choose the right date and time that suits you, and let’s get started.

No Session Name Comments
Health and Wellness Self-Examination
Initial Personal Coaching Session
1 x 40min
Follow-up Coaching Session
6 x 30min

3-Monthly Personal Coaching Package

$485.00  – 7 Coaching Sessions (3-Monthly*)

* Booking time is due to availability.

Please read Booking Instructions

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