Wellness Coaching and Healing

Personal Online Coaching Session

Do you seek occasional support?

Individual Health and Wellness coaching sessions are best suited to people that need minimum support and accountability and require occasional support to review their current state and seek guidance on moving forward. It is also suitable for people who require periodic review and reflection of their well-being state and get clarity of what works well and areas where they need to pay more attention.

Some areas that we support are:

For the best results, it is recommended to have a minimum of one Health and Wellness Initial Coaching Session following Review Coaching Session(s). In case of a long period between the Initial and the Review sessions, it is recommended to repeat the Initial Coaching session to review your current state before we can make plans for the future steps. 


In your booking, please select the type of session.

Bookings are for a 60-minute phone or online coaching via Zoom or Skype call. Please let us know if you prefer any other software.


We look forward to speaking with you soon! 


Choose the right date and time that suits you, and let’s get started.

Individual Personal Coaching Session

$90.00  – 40min Personal Coaching

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