Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset: Key to Success

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We’re all familiar with the concept of having a fixed or growth mindset, but what does it really mean?
Carol Dweck, psychologist and a professor at Stanford University, has studied achievement and success for many years. She researched how children deal with failure. Subsequent studies have further corroborated this research.
During the research, she identified two mindsets that people have about their abilities and intelligence. These mindsets can affect how people approach challenges, persevere in the face of setbacks, and feel about themselves. In her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck is the first to introduce the concept of a growth mindset.
This article will look at how a fixed or growth mindset can affect our lives, from learning new skills to developing meaningful relationships and what mindset you need to create success.
In the following article, “12 Steps to Develop a Growth Mindset”, we’ll also explore ways to cultivate a growth-oriented mindset to help us reach our goals and progress towards success.
1.What is a Growth Mindset?
People with a growth mindset believe that their abilities and intelligence can be developed. They see failure as an opportunity to learn, improve and grow. They are more likely to take risks and persist in facing setbacks. They are also more likely to take on new challenges and reach higher levels of achievement than those with a fixed mindset. They view obstacles and challenges as something to be overcome rather than as proof that they need to be smarter and more capable.
These people believe they can stretch beyond their current skill set and improve with effort and persistence. This view leads to a love of learning and resilience in the face of setbacks. People with a growth mindset see their skills and abilities as things that can be developed through practice and dedication.
This belief has been shown to lead to greater motivation and improved performance in various settings, including school, work, and sports. It has also been linked to higher levels of success in life.
There are many examples of the growth mindset in action. One famous example comes from the world of sports. Michael Jordan, widely considered one of the greatest basketball players, did not have a natural talent for the game. He was cut from his high school team and didn’t make his college team’s starting line-up.
But Jordan kept working hard and developing his skills. He eventually became one of the greatest players in history. His story shows that with enough effort, anyone can achieve greatness.
Other examples of the growth mindset can be seen in people who have overcome adversity to achieve success. J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, was rejected by dozens of publishers before finally finding someone who believed in her work. She persevered through difficult times and is now one of the most successful authors in history.
These examples show that no matter where you start, you can achieve anything if you have a growth mindset.
2. What is a Fixed Mindset?
People with fixed mindsets believe their abilities and intelligence are set in stone. They see failures as proof that they are not smart or talented. They are less likely to take risks and give up easily when faced with difficulties. They often see failure as a reflection of their inherent lack of ability, which can be debilitating.
Having a fixed mindset means believing that our abilities and skills are static and will not change over time. A person with a fixed mindset doesn’t fare well in changing or getting feedback; it makes them fearful, uncomfortable, and angry.
The same applies to groups, companies, and countries. A classic case of a fixed mindset is Blackberry and Nokia, where they had the option of changing but chose not to change because of fear of the unknown.
In the early 2000s, Blackberry smartphones were considered the symbol of wealth, self-importance, and career progression. But in 2010, popular smartphone company Blackberry faced a predicament of whether to change and adopt new technology or stick to their strategy and technology, which is already tested and proven successful.
Unfortunately, Blackberry continued with its strategy, leading to its downfall.
3. What are the Benefits of Having a Growth Mindset?
When it comes to success in life, your mindset matters. A lot. Research has shown that people with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere in the face of challenges, embrace feedback, and learn from mistakes. They are also more likely to achieve their goals and experience greater satisfaction in their lives.
There is a wealth of research to support Dweck’s claims. For instance, a study published in the journal Nature found that students who were taught a growth mindset (i.e., that intelligence can be improved) showed greater gains in IQ over time than students who were not taught this lesson. Furthermore, other studies have shown that individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to persist in the face of difficulty, persevere in the face of setbacks, and recover from failure more quickly than those with a fixed mindset.
Here are some other benefits of having a growth mindset:
1. You’re open to learning new things and taking on challenges.
2. You’re not afraid of making mistakes—you see them as opportunities to learn and grow.
3. You’re resilient in the face of setbacks, because you know you can learn from them and come out stronger.
4. You have a greater sense of control over your life and destiny, because you believe you can always get better and reach your goals.
5. Your relationships are more likely to be fulfilling and supportive, because you’re open to feedback and willing to work on areas that need improvement.
6. You’re more likely to enjoy what you’re doing, because you know there’s always room for improvement and new learning experiences.
7. You’re less likely to give up when things get tough, because you know the rewards of sticking with it and seeing things through to the end.
The benefits of a growth mindset extend beyond the individual level; they can also have a positive impact on organizations. For example, companies with a culture of growth mindsets are more innovative and adaptable, and better able to attract and retain top talent.
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4. Why A Growth Mindset Is The Key To Success?
The popular saying goes that there are two types of people in the world: those who believe they can and those who believe they can’t. This dichotomy is often referred to as a growth mindset and a fixed mindset, respectively. And according to Stanford University professor Carol Dweck, our mindsets play a major role in our lives, particularly when it comes to success.
So why is a growth mindset so important for success? One reason is that it leads to increased effort and perseverance. When we believe that our abilities can be improved through hard work.
You have already seen in the case of Blackberry how a fixed mindset costs them the business. So, If you want to succeed in life, consider embracing a growth mindset in everything you do. Here are some tips:
1. Your challenges and setbacks are your most important learning tools.
There isn’t anyone in this life who hasn’t faced any challenges. Furthermore, life challenges define and mould us into the people we are. So, instead of running away from a challenge and setbacks, thinking you can’t do it, learn and grow from them.
2. Be persistent in developing your skills.
A violinist can take up to 10 years of training every day to reach a professional level; the same goes for an Olympic or any other profession. The fastest man alive, Usain Bolt, trained for five good years to run for 19.19 seconds and earn his title in the world records as the fastest man alive.
You don’t need to train like Usain Bolt, but you can learn from him. Start practising daily to improve your skills. Believe that as long as you put the time into practising daily, you will be able to improve with time and succeed in what you want to achieve.
3. Use criticism to build you, not tear you down.
A person with a growth mindset uses criticism and feedback as learning tools to improve themselves.
Furthermore, you can learn much about yourself from the criticism and feedback. Rather than focusing on the negative, you can learn more about yourself and what areas you need to improve.
For example, when you receive feedback from your boss or colleagues for a job you sent that didn’t meet the requirements, rather than getting angry and sad that they don’t see all the effort and time you have put in, use the feedback wisely.
Your boss and colleagues will be happy and confident to refer you to another opportunity once they see you have used the feedback to improve yourself. You would have told them that you are a team player and the type of person who is willing to learn and improve themself.
4. Change doesn't scare you.
As we have seen repeatedly, nothing is static in this world. You have to embrace change. An open mindset allows you to learn and change with the times; that way, you don’t become obsolete in your job or industry.
5. Find people that inspire you.
Instead of being intimidated by other people’s success stories, you use them to inspire and improve yourself. I find inspiration from Dr. Ben Carson, author of Think Big. His personal story is very encouraging. His reading disability and family background didn’t hold him down but encouraged him to work hard to become a neurosurgeon, an author, and in recent years a politician.
Often, we get discouraged by our life circumstances, thinking we are not good enough. Still, success stories like Dr Carson’s remind us that anything is possible with an open mindset. You are more than your circumstances, so don’t be afraid to fight for your goals and dreams.
5. Conclusion: You Can Do It!
Growth and fixed mindsets are two important concepts that can help shape how we think, act, and ultimately achieve success. Understanding the differences between them is the first step in developing a mindset of growth that allows us to continue learning, growing, and thriving despite any obstacles or challenges we may face. By embracing a growth mindset, you can open yourself up to new possibilities while also building your resiliency and determination to reach your goals.
As Carol Dweck said, anyone can develop a growth mindset. You just need to believe in yourself. Be open-minded and persistent in learning and improving your skills.
Much effort is required to attain the success of people like Michal Jordan and Dr Carson. They believed in themselves and were willing to put in the hard work regardless of their life challenges. So, be that person who believes in yourself and start taking the necessary steps today to get you where you want.
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